Why Sea Turtles?
When Sea Turtles hatch, they instinctively know their purpose -- make it to the ocean! The moon is the natural light that guides them to their destination. We believe that humans are no different, except the guiding light lies inside us at our center.
In our logo, the sand represents remembering where we came from and the water represents having an intention for the future. It is our belief that the further we get away from the natural light at our core, the more we can dwell in the regret of our past or get lost in the anxiety of the future. This is a reminder for us to be present and that takes centering ourselves.
Sea turtles that hatch near modern-day cities can confuse the lights of the metropolis with the guidance of the moon, leading them off their natural course; a metaphor that resonates with us deeply. With all the distracting artificial light in our outer world, it can be hard to access that inner light. HAPPI wants to help reflect your light back at you so you can remember where you’re going.
Beyond offering a powerful lesson on purpose and presence, turtles tell another remarkable story through their bodies and being. Sea Turtles carry their home with them wherever they go and move through the water with grace, ease, and peace. Whether they are on land or water, they belong. We want to live in a world where people feel that sense of home in their bodies and move through life with the same grace, ease, and peace.
So we celebrate and aspire to embody the wisdom that turtles teach us --
Don't Worry. Be.